sábado, 4 de julio de 2009

Don't ever believe you're "in love" after three dates. Don't ever believe you "love" her after two months. Don't ever think she's "the only one". Don't ever think she's "worth anything". Don't ever say "i trust her unconditionally". Don't ever think "She'd never do that". Don't say "we'll be together forver". Don't ever, ever, ever, EVER think "Oh but WE'RE different". You're not. You're a statistic, an animal of hideous predictability, a biological study with a 99,999999999% reliability interval, there's nothing you're exempt of and all your worst fears will come to life. You can not fix other people, and they can not fix you. No one will save your life.Realize all that, and then try and make the best of something ultimately imperfect.

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